Toilet Hog

A Japanese poster photographed the following interactions between their son and the family’s cat.  The child had to use the bathroom, but came across the enormous white cat lounging on the toilet: Being too big to lift, the child attempts to negotiate with the cat instead: Perhaps petting would encourage the cat to move?  Although … More Toilet Hog

SJW Marketing

An older essay from someone who worked for a marketing agency that has steadily made money from the SJW crowd since long ago: I used to do some work for an agency that specifically targetted SJWs. They were basically liberal, middle-class, university educated white women and their low-status male admirers. It is profitable. They do … More SJW Marketing

Outsourcing Judgment

An anon on 4chan asked a simple question, and received a very thought provoking answer: >Do any of you have conversations with others only to realize that their ideas and talking points are not their own? You’re living in a time where people are outsourcing their own judgment. What I mean is that, we are … More Outsourcing Judgment