Dr. John Money and the Tragic Case of the Forced Transsexual Child

An old essay from the now defunct 8chan detailing the horrific case of a child forced to change sex in order for a psychiatrist to advance his career and theories on gender: John Money was born in Morrisville, New Zealand on July 8th 1921. He studied psychology at the universities of Wellington and Otago before … More Dr. John Money and the Tragic Case of the Forced Transsexual Child

Reddit & Newspeak – A Modern Example of Self-Censorship

An anon on 4chan notices disturbing trends on how the site Reddit psychologically conditions its users: Normies think that reddit is for discussions (a “forum site”), but in reality it’s a slow indoctrination/programing for self censorship by you having to adopt the “reddit language etiquette” (otherwise your account gets unusable, which means negative Karma or … More Reddit & Newspeak – A Modern Example of Self-Censorship

Pleasure vs Happiness

An anon speaks about the difference between seeking pleasure vs happiness, and how they create different mindsets in people that manages to permeate through to politics: Because leftists don’t understand happiness. Leftists are pleasure-seekers. They live for dopamine rushes. You ever see how they attempt to demean their opposition? They often refer to them as … More Pleasure vs Happiness

“Science” as an outdated technology?

An anon with an academic background gives a criticism on the effects of research institutions and bureaucracies on science itself.  A first step on the staircase that leads down a surprisingly deep rabbit hole: What we call “science” is 17-century technology. The system made sense when research was done by a relatively small group of … More “Science” as an outdated technology?

Relativistic Bomb

Interesting musings on the implications of civilizations that manage to achieve light speed travel, and how they may interact with humanity: The great silence (ie. absence of SETI signals from alien civilizations) is perhaps the strongest indicator of all that high relativistic velocities are attainable and that everybody out there knows it. The sobering truth … More Relativistic Bomb