The Art of Sheep Crushing – Is China the world’s most barbaric country?

A simple question was posted on /pol, the politics board of 4chan recently – “Is China the world’s most barbaric country?”.  the same post also had a 30 second long, soundless .webm video attached to it, along with a message giving more context to the contents of the video:

This practice is called “yā yáng” (roughly translated as “sheep crushing”). It consists of introducing the sheep into a press, where they’re crushed while boiling mud is injected. This makes the wool much fluffier, even though the sheep die in inhuman agony

The .webm video is as follows:

The sheep were enclosed in a metal cage and then lowered in muddy brown water.  The way the water appeared to bubble after they were completely submerged was very distressing to see, as it indicates that they were drowning.

Immediately a number of posters responded, most rather angrily:

Destroy chinks, roundhouse kick chinks into the trash, etc

Are you fucking kidding me man? Yeah, we need a nuclear war to wipe our kind out and we need it now.

This is jewish propaganda against China

china , s-korea and japan are weird as fuck when to comes to compassion for other life .

People appeared overwhelmingly disgusted by what they saw, with the exception of one apparently nutty individual proclaiming the initial post as “Jewish propaganda against China”.  Several posts later, though, another anon spoke up:

that’s a chemical bath they give to sheep to kill all kinds of parasites before they get shorn.

The same anon also linked to a youtube video featuring the deworming process:

Disturbingly, the 30 second .webm video clip of sheep allegedly being boiled alive was taken directly from the youtube video of sheep getting a chemical bath that the above anon linked to.  Based on the voices speaking in the background, this probably took place in Australia or New Zealand.  More importantly, the sheep were perfectly fine after their bath.

So what exactly was it that was posted on /pol on that day?  It was clearly falsehood.  But was it truly Jewish propaganda against China as the one paranoid anon proclaimed?  Or did it come from the US Government itself?  We may never know for sure.

Sadly though, it’s just another example of how the internet is increasingly weaponized in our day and age.



Original screen cap:



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