Migrants as Enforcers

A conversation on 4chan on the topic of the Dutch farmer revolt over Nitrogen emission laws veered onto the topic of illegal migrants, and raised rather interesting points:

One anon noted changes in the Netherland’s immigrant policies:

Immigration policies in the Netherlands are obviously for subversion, but there is a major problem: Only cities get these immigrants.

This lets the townsfolk and farmers keep their cultures relatively intact.

They want to change this I think, make sure immigrants are EVERYWHERE, and not just concentrated in Amsterdam or something (which is like a modern day Babylon).

Another anon answered the above post with a rather unsettling observation on how illegal migrants are used to some governments:

This is because non-white migrants are the system’s enforcers. They are basically the west’s version of the NKVD, but instead of the state ordering them to suppress the people directly, the state just selectively allows the migrants to get away with any crimes that have the same effect as what they wished they could order a secret police force to do directly.

The migrants learn which crimes are the approved crimes just like how an AI learns. They start out committing crimes basically at random, but over time they pick up on the patterns on what crimes are punished (harmful to the system) and which crimes are not punished (beneficial to the system), and this causes them all to gravitate towards becoming system enforcers. The migrants themselves aren’t aware of their role in the system, they’re just blindly following the path of least resistance the state sets up for them, but the state is aware and sets up this reward mechanism to create a system to suppress the citizens that doesn’t rely on direct orders etc that could be traced back to them.

If they were using a secret police they would slowly lose the trust of the people and begin losing their authority. By distributing niggers everywhere and using this stochastic citizen suppression model they are able to keep their hands cleaner. People still know they are bringing the niggers in, but so long many people think this is good and nobody can make the connection between selective enforcement and an effective police state where criminals are the police, the system is better able to hide itself. If the state was caught using secret police to suppress voters they would need to explain themselves. If the state was caught using letting in millions of niggers to suppress the people then *you* need to explain yourself since you are now a racist.

This sounds suspiciously similar to what’s been happening in New York City and a good hunk of California, with petty crimes and flash mobs ruining entire neighborhoods.



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