The Reason for the Bombing of Libya

A 4chan anon provides a detailed essay on why Libya was bombed years ago, and how this connects with other US military actions in the same part of the world:

There were several reasons why Libya was destroyed and Ghadafi was killed. As usual, it was about lots and lots of money.

Libya was about to be welcomed back into the international fold after Ghadafi compensated the families of the Lockerbie bombing [Pan Am flight 103]. He took responsibility for it but claimed he never gave the order.

1] Ghadafi, flush with confidence about the state of his rising middle class and the fact that Libya had zero external debt, decided to introduce a gold-backed Dinar. His vision was to unite all of northern Africa under one gold-backed currency.

If he succeeded, he would have displaced the western-African and central-African CFA Franc, essentially kicking out the Bank of France and freeing those nations that used those currencies from the stranglehold of the French government. Nikolas Sarkozy wasn’t going to allow that to happen.

2] His second motivation was to trade Libyan oil only in this new Dinar. This, of course, is a big no-no if you don’t have a military the size of Russia’s because the US dollar is the reserve currency for global oil trade. Obama, the bankers, and the Pentagon weren’t going to let that happen.

[For you youngfags & newfags, this is what’s called the Petrodollar system. If a country wants to buy oil from Saudi Arabia for example, they have to exchange their currency for US dollars to make the transaction. It is said that without this agreement the value of our dollar would instantly collapse. On a side note, this is the real reason we invaded Iraq. Saddam took himself off the Petrodollar and traded his oil only for Euros — making hundreds of millions, and by doing so was able to compensate for the sanctions we had against Iraq.]

3] Somewhere along the way Ghadafi’s precious metal holdings were discovered, which were approximately 143 tons of gold and an almost equal amount of silver. To my knowledge it’s never been revealed who actually got their hands on that gold and silver first.

I do know that we were very late in the game when it came to retrieving the HUGE cache of shoulder-fired missiles in his weapons storage (both US and Russian-made). Another side note: Our CIA operatives in Tripoli at the time wanted to immediately start tracking these missiles down, as it only takes one of them to bring down a passenger jet. Guess who stopped them? Obama’s lapdog, traitorous John Brennan.

If there’s one book everyone should read about the events leading up to the Libyan invasion and Benghazi, it’s this: Dark Forces: The Truth About What Happened in Benghazi by Kenneth Timmerman

It’s a long book with too many sandnigger names to keep track of, but if you make it through you will understand the relationship between the Libyan invasion and the subsequent invasion of Syria. You will learn the large-scale evil perpetrated by Obama’s people outside of the satanic child rape and murder.

Obama’s and Hillary’s role in the Libyan invasion for the most part was about getting the weapons to the “rebels” (radical muslim jihadists) that Ghadafi had been successfully keeping away. They enlisted the help of Arizona arms dealer Marc Turi and used the governments of Turkey and Qatar for transport. They later tried to pin the blame on Turi for the whole thing but by doing so would have revealed Obunghole’s role in it, so the DOJ dropped the case at the last minute because they didn’t want to hurt the homo nignog-in-chief in the coming election. Also, their action of pushing those weapons into Benghazi violated the UN Security Council’s arms embargo on Libya.

In my opinion, Ghadafi could have pulled it off if he had just done one thing: allowed Russia to install a military base there. If he had done that, i think Libya wouldn’t have been destroyed and we’d be living in a different world. Would we have gone to war with Russia over Libya? I don’t think so, but perhaps there’s a glowbro analyst listening who can offer his assessment on this.

Lessons to be learned:

1] If the US gov is telling you via the mockingbird media that a ruler in a foreign land is a “brutal dictator”, be sure to do your homework before forming an opinion, because it’s probably hyperbole to generate support for an illegal invasion.

2] If the prize is large enough, the Executive Branch and Pentagon under the likes of Obama & Bush are willing to break the Geneva Conventions Treaties and commit war crimes. They get away with it every time. In the case of Libya, we bombed the incredible aqueduct system that Ghadafi built to bring water to the desert for farming.

3] If you anons study the real reasons behind Iraq, Libya, Syria, and Afghanistan, you will gain a very large but terrible truth about geopolitics and the wanton destruction of nations and innocent people. Again, it all comes down to money, but it’s not just about installing a Rothschild-owned bank. It’s about long-term money generated by the control of natural resources. If it comes out of the ground western nations want absolute control over it. It doesn’t matter if it’s oil, natural gas, gold, silver, diamonds, copper, poppy seeds, marijuana… whatever. Greed drives the war machine.

These are the real redpills that normies should take before being exposed to the global child trafficking. Once they understand the wars over natural resources and the enormity of the international drug and weapons trade, then you can tell them that the next commodity that gets moved along those same routes are the women and kids. Because that’s exactly the way it happens.


There’s something else that everyone should know [especially in the US] about Benghazi.

US Ambassador to Libya J. Christopher Stevens who was killed in the attack on the CIA annex in Libya was not a patriot for the US as the western media would have you believe. He was a radical muslim sympathizer and a loyalist to child butcher Hillary Klinton. Although no hard proof has surfaced, it’s widely assumed among researchers here that he was one of the CIA’s assets in their mission to illegally arm the Libyan “rebels”. His friendships, liaisons, and positive attitudes concerning the muslim tribes in the area were well-known.

Knowing this, it comes as no surprise that Hillary wouldn’t lift a finger to send help to the Americans trapped in the annex. He and his staff would be liabilities after the dust settled. All of this is still being covered up by western media including the few conservative outlets. You can learn the details about him in the book i mentioned in my previous post. And to add to the lies on top of lies, Obama used his death as another false excuse and justification to invade Libya.

There are two major ironies that emerge from the Benghazi attack:

1] Most conservatives in the US use Stevens’ death as a motivator to remind people about Killary’s role in Benghazi without realizing they are paying homage to a possible traitor.

2] Stevens was ultimately killed by the men that he armed.

Go with God, anons.

What happened to Libya was very unfortunate.  Back around when it happened, though, the standard of living and society in general in the US were both much better than they are today.  Very few people paid attention to Libya and the motivations behind its ruin.

It’s only today, when standard of living in the US have gone down significantly, that the masses starts to pay closer attention to analyses like these as they try to understand their own decline.





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