Mother’s Day Portrait Contest

A Japanese teacher was browsing through pictures drawn by children from between 2 years old up to the 6th grade for a Mother’s Day portrait contest at her school, only to notice one portrait stood out way above the competition:

Each portrait has the age of the participant written on the lower right corner.  Though funny, it’s also curious that the super high quality portrait is missing the age of the artist; perhaps it’s done by another teacher?  I rather like the portrait done by the 11 year old.

The squiggly lines drawn by the 2 year old also gets a honorable mention – there’s a head and two breasts, the general idea is there.

A similar situation was observed at a Mother’s Day portrait contest at a local supermarket:

Most of the pictures are drawn by entrants between the ages of 5 to 8, while the one high quality one was drawn by a 22 year old.




Originally from social media:





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